The way of Co-ordinated Energy

An electric Korean mix martial arts


Nepal Hap-Ki-Do

The Hapkido in Nepal was founded and commenced by Mr. Enipa Maharjan in the year 2053 B.S. In Nepal,  Hapkido was started as a club in the year 2055 BS and registered officially in the National Sports Council. Continuing the game, in the year 2061, it was also registered in the District Administration Office Lalitpur and Social Welfare Council. 


In the year 2062/63, when the Nepal Renbukai Association was registered in the national sports council, Nepal Hapkido Association was also officially registered under the Renbukai Association and organized the first nationwide Friendship Cup Tournament at Dasharath Stadium. The Nepal Hapkido Association gained popularity in the year 2064 BS when a huge  Hapkido exhibition was held at  Basantpur, Kathmandu. In 2007 AD, Nepal Hapki-do got the chartered membership of World Hapkido Association, USA and it is still happening. Similarly, in the year 2068BS, he organized the second large Hapkido exhibition at Siddhipur Festival. In the year 2070 BS, the first seminar and referee and coach training were held in Mangal bazar. The First National Martial Arts Festival in 2013 AD and First South Asian Martial Arts Festival in 2014 AD was commendable.

Nepal Hapkido Association is also a member of Nepal National Martial Arts Games Confederation (NNMGC). Likewise, the Nepal Hapkido Association and the nation became proud when three players who went to anticipated in the 6th International Martial Arts Games in Delhi, India, won all three medals (1 gold, 1 silver, and 1 bronze) in December 2015. 2073


The second technical seminar was organized in Bhadra which over 100 people attended, and member secretary Keshav Kumar Bista was the chief guest.st. Currently, while expanding the Hapkido game, the process of running and training to various places and districts continues. Currently, there are about 1200 players, 60 coaches, and 40 referees playing Hapkido. Nepal Hapkido Association is also a member of The Korea Hapkido Federation of South Korea. Nepal Hapkido Association has been struggling with the registration of a single association in the National Sports Council for 25 years ago.

President Message

An Impressive Mixed Martial Art Game

Hapkido is a Korean martial art that uses unarmed self-defense techniques. The word “hapkido” translates to “way of coordinated energy” in Korean. Hapkido is taught to military personnel, police forces, special forces, security units, and bodyguards worldwide. It’s considered one of the most effective and practical martial arts in the world. 

Hapkido includes approximately 270 categories of special movements and 3,400 techniques. Hapkido has now become an impressive mixed martial art game that also incorporates gymnastics, aikido, taekyyon and kick boxing. In this game, there are various weapons such as knife, sword, long stick, short stick, cane, spear, bow, nunchaku, gun, rope etc. In Hapkido emphasis is given on footwork, body position, circular movements and counterattack. Hapki-do is a modern art that can be played by men, women and even children regardless of size and age.

The art was adapted from Daitō-ryū Aiki-jūjutsu as it was taught by Choi Yong-Sool (최용술) when he returned to Korea after World War II after having lived in Japan for 30 years. This system was later combined by Choi’s disciples with kicking and striking techniques of indigenous and contemporary arts such as Taekkyon, and Tang Soo Do; as well as various throwing techniques and ground fighting from Japanese Judo.

The birth of modern hapkido can be traced to the efforts of a group of Korean nationals in the post-Japanese colonial period of Korea, Choi Yong-Sool (최용술) (1904–1986) and his most prominent students; Chinil Chang, his personally chosen successor, Seo Bok-Seob, the first student of the art; Ji Han-Jae (born 1936), one of the earliest promoters of the art; Kim Moo-Hong, a major innovator; Myung Jae-Nam, a connector between the art of hapkido and aikido, Myung Kwang-Sik the historian and ambassador, all of whom were direct students of Choi or of his immediate students. 

It is a form of self-defense that employs joint locks, grappling, throwing techniques, kicks, punches, and other striking attacks. It also teaches the use of traditional weapons, including knife, sword, rope, nunchaku (ssang juhl bong), cane (ji pang ee), short stick (dan bong), and middle-length staff (joong bong), gun (analogous to the Japanese jō), and bō (Japanese), which vary in emphasis depending on the particular tradition examined.

Hapkido employs both long-range and close-range fighting techniques, utilizing jumping kicks and percussive hand strikes at longer ranges, and pressure point strikes, joint locks, and throws at closer fighting distances. Hapkido emphasizes circular motion, redirection of force, and control of the opponent. Practitioners seek to gain advantage over their opponents through footwork and body positioning to incorporate the use of leverage, avoiding the use of brute strength against brute strength.

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Nepal Hapkido Association

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